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kids in a classroom

Technology for Good Could Save the World

This weekend, I took my two daughters to the zoo in Los Angeles, where I live. As we stood looking over the tiger enclosure, my 11-year-old turned to me and explained that she was feeling conflicted. She was having fun, she said, but she recently wrote a paper for school about the problems that animals in zoos face, and learned that some people believe that zoos shouldn’t even exist.

A Brand New Empatico is Almost Here!

Thanks to You, We’re Connecting Classrooms Everywhere in Exciting, New Ways! Over the past few years, we have been tested unlike any time in our recent history. From global discord to the pandemic to economic instability, our society has accommodated many changes that have caused extreme stress and uncertainty. Our education system, our schools, and …

A Brand New Empatico is Almost Here! Read More »